February 9, 2025

Beverly Sopher

Internet of Things

Will My Next Computer Be A Holodeck Like In Star Trek?


You’ve probably seen a lot of Star Trek movies and TV shows, but have you ever wondered if we’ll ever get the technology from them? In the Star Trek universe, humans have developed “holodecks” — rooms that allow users to immerse themselves in an alternate reality. We’re not quite at that point yet, but technology like augmented reality (AR) and heads-up displays (HUDs) are getting us closer. AR is a way of displaying information in real life — such as directions or other data — using small screens mounted on your head or glasses. Heads-up displays are tiny screens mounted on a person’s head that can show external data such as their health status or environment around them. So while we won’t be able to walk into our own personal holodeck yet, these technologies are already available today!

Will My Next Computer Be A Holodeck Like In Star Trek?

Augmented Reality (AR) is a way of displaying information in the real world, such as directions and other data.

Augmented Reality (AR) is a way of displaying information in the real world, such as directions and other data. In contrast to virtual reality (VR), which creates an entirely new environment for you to experience, AR uses your surroundings to show you something that wasn’t there before. For example, if you’re looking at a building and want directions to another location nearby, an AR app could project arrows pointing towards your destination on top of each building along your route.

AR technology has been used in the past to create spy glasses that can display satellite images and maps.

AR technology has been used in the past to create spy glasses that can display satellite images and maps. The military has also been using it for decades, most notably when they used AR to help soldiers navigate through Iraq’s streets during the invasion of 2003.

But how does this compare with Star Trek? In terms of its ability to show you what’s around you at all times, it doesn’t quite measure up — at least not yet. But if we look at what AR can do now and what we might see in five years’ time (which is when I expect my next computer will arrive), things start getting pretty exciting!

Heads-up displays (HUDs) are tiny screens mounted on a person’s head that can show external data such as the environment around them or their health status.

In the future, you may have a heads-up display (HUD) on your head. A HUD is a tiny screen that can show information about the environment around you or your health status. They are used in modern cars to display navigation data and they can also be used in sports or military applications. In addition to these uses, HUDs have been developed for video games where they provide players with information about their surroundings as well as gameplay options like firing guns at enemies or selecting items to use during gameplay. We’re going to look at how we might see these devices become more common in everyday life by considering some of their possible applications

Holodecks are a fictional technology from the Star Trek universe in which people can immerse themselves in an artificial reality.

Holodecks are a fictional technology from the Star Trek universe in which people can immerse themselves in an artificial reality.

They were introduced in Star Trek: Next Generation as a room where people could enter any virtual reality they wished, including recreations of historic events or fictional settings like those seen on TV shows like The Next Generation itself.

AR glasses are already available today, but they aren’t quite up to par with what we see in sci-fi movies yet.

AR glasses are already available today, but they aren’t quite up to par with what we see in sci-fi movies yet. While you can wear an AR headset and see virtual objects superimposed over the real world (and even interact with them), the experience doesn’t compare to what we see on the big screen. There’s still a lot of work that needs to be done before we can walk around with a holodeck-like device strapped to our heads.

For one thing, most AR headsets don’t display holograms yet–they just project images onto your eyeballs like a regular pair of glasses or goggles do. Additionally, current AR systems aren’t able to place 3D graphics into physical space; instead they have 2D images that float in front of you at fixed distances from your face and move along predetermined paths as though they were being pushed by hand through space by an invisible puppeteer pulling strings attached directly above his head (or hers).

The Holodeck was first introduced in Star Trek: Next Generation as a room where people could enter any virtual reality they wished.

The Holodeck was first introduced in Star Trek: Next Generation as a room where people could enter any virtual reality they wished. The room had the ability to simulate anything you wanted, and it was used primarily for entertainment purposes. The Holodeck was not only used for gaming but also as an educational tool and way to relax after work or school by simulating whatever you desired.

The idea of having everything at your fingertips sounds amazing, but what about privacy? If everyone has access to their own holodeck would there be any secrets left? How much control over our lives would we lose with such technology?

You will probably not run into a holodeck like from Star Trek anytime soon

Well, you may be disappointed to learn that the holodeck is still a long way off. That’s because we don’t have the technology to create something like it yet. However, there is already some AR technology available today that could help us get closer to having our own personal holodecks.

The best example of this is Microsoft’s HoloLens headset–a device that uses augmented reality (AR) software to make digital images appear in front of your eyes while also allowing you interact with them using gestures or voice commands. You can use your hands as controllers and play games like Minecraft or Superhot VR on it as well! It even lets users create 3D models using virtual clay called Playclay which looks very similar to what was featured on Star Trek: The Next Generation when Data played with clay sculptures made by Dr Crusher back then…


We may not have holodecks yet, but we are getting closer. Augmented reality glasses are already available and could be the next big thing in technology. While these devices won’t give you the full experience of being inside one of those rooms from Star Trek, they will still allow us to immerse ourselves in new worlds such as Minecraft or even outer space!