February 8, 2025

Beverly Sopher

Internet of Things

How To Build The Internet Of Things On Edge


The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects that contain embedded technology to communicate and sense or interact with their internal states or the external environment. The IoT is growing rapidly, with an estimated value of $1.7 trillion in 2020. However, as more and more devices are connected to the internet, there is a need to optimize how data is transmitted across networks. With edge computing, devices can be configured so that they operate autonomously without relying on cloud servers for processing power or storage capacity — instead, they send information directly to other devices or servers close by in order to save time and money on data transfer costs while still ensuring security of data through encryption methods like digital signatures and hashing algorithms.

As an example: If your car breaks down while driving down the highway at 55 mph towards downtown where all your friends are having dinner tonight…and then you get stuck sitting in traffic for two hours because all those cars around you are trying to get somewhere as well…with no way out because every road leading into town has been blocked off due to construction work happening today; then why does this happen? It happens because everyone wants something different right now! You want dinner but I want ice cream; he wants gas; she wants flowers; we all have kids who need diapers changed because they have poopies after eating them…but there’s only one bathroom available here at this hotel so we have no choice but wait until everyone goes inside first before heading back outside again.”

How To Build The Internet Of Things On Edge

What is Edge Computing?

Edge computing is a subset of cloud computing. It refers to the processing of data at the edge of a network, or close to where it’s generated. Instead of having all your information stored in one central location–a cloud–edge devices can perform tasks like image recognition or voice recognition locally, which means they don’t need to send those images or audio files across long distances over the internet and back again. This not only improves efficiency but also speeds up response time significantly: instead of waiting for data from thousands of miles away before making any decisions based on it (which would be too late), you can make those decisions right away by using local resources like sensors and cameras nearby your IoT device rather than relying on faraway servers that may take longer than necessary to respond with their own analysis results

What are the Benefits of Edge Computing?

  • Increased efficiency. Edge computing allows you to process tasks closer to where they’re performed, which means you can use less energy and bandwidth. It also means that your cloud applications will run more efficiently, since many of them are designed for centralized processing.
  • Decreased latency. The time it takes for data packets to travel from one location to another is called latency, and it’s an important factor in how well your IoT devices perform their tasks–especially when those tasks involve real-time responses or high-bandwidth video streams (like a 360-degree camera). With edge computing architecture, there’s no need for these packets to travel all the way back up into the cloud before returning again: They can simply move between nodes on different sides of an IoT device without having to go through multiple hops until they reach their final destination.* Reduced energy consumption: Since your networked devices won’t have access

Challenges to implementing edge computing

The primary challenge of edge computing is data latency. In order to process data, it must be sent from the cloud to an IoT device and then back again before it can be used. This means that any action taken by your IoT product will be delayed by at least one round trip between your device and its cloud server–and sometimes more if there are multiple hops involved in getting information from point A to point B.

Another issue is power consumption: each transmission requires energy, which means more battery life will be used up as a result of transmitting data over long distances instead of keeping things local (i.e., on-device).

Additionally, there’s also privacy concerns regarding data security; if sensitive information were transmitted over an insecure connection without encryption or other safeguards in place, hackers could intercept it easily–which could lead them straight into your system’s core code!

Edge computing can be used to increase the efficiency and speed of IoT applications by handling them at a local level.

Edge computing can be used to increase the efficiency and speed of IoT applications by handling them at a local level.

The concept behind edge computing is that certain tasks are better suited for processing on or near devices rather than in a centralized cloud environment. You may have heard terms like fog computing or extreme cloud being tossed around as well, but they all refer to the same thing: moving some portion of your workloads off-site from your main data center (or “on-premises”) into another location closer to end users where latency is lower and bandwidth isn’t as much of an issue (for example, in remote areas).

Edge computing can provide significant benefits for companies looking to deploy IoT solutions because it reduces latency between data gathering sensors/devices and decision makers who will use this information in real time–making it easier for businesses like yours avoid delays caused by slow internet speeds when accessing critical information from remote locations


In the future, edge computing will be an essential part of any IoT application. It allows devices to process data locally and send only the information that matters most back to the cloud. This makes it easier for developers to build apps with less lag time and fewer glitches, which means more users will enjoy their products or services–and that’s something we can all appreciate!