February 9, 2025

Beverly Sopher

Internet of Things

Edge Computing Gives Satellites New Life


Edge computing is changing the world of technology. The term itself refers to a system that operates outside of a centralized cloud environment, as opposed to one that relies on it for storage and processing power. In other words, edge computing uses data from many different sources in order to make decisions without needing an internet connection or direct contact with a central server. The technology has been around since the 1990s but didn’t really take off until recently when organizations started using it to run their operations more efficiently and effectively—especially those that rely heavily on satellites like NASA or NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration).

Edge Computing Gives Satellites New Life

Edge computing is helping satellites perform better, but it won’t replace them

Edge computing is a type of cloud computing that helps improve the performance of existing systems. The idea is to move some of the processing from a central data center to devices at the edge, or outermost parts of an organization’s network.

Edge computing does not replace satellites; rather, it makes them more useful for certain applications. For example, satellite images can be processed in real-time instead of waiting hours or days for them to reach Earth before being analyzed by humans–and this improves accuracy and saves money since fewer people are needed to analyze images than were previously required (and they don’t need as much training).

Cloud-based edge computing is growing rapidly

Edge computing is a way to improve the performance of devices. It’s also known as Fog Computing or Edge Compute, and it refers to the use of cloud-based services at the edge (or periphery) of a network. The goal is to improve overall system efficiency by moving some computing tasks away from centralized data centers and closer to where users are located. For example, if you’re working on an important project that needs lots of processing power but doesn’t require immediate access to all those resources at once–like downloading an app update or transferring photos from your phone into your computer–you can use edge computing instead of waiting for everything else going on in your network’s central hub before getting started with this particular task.

Satellite and GPS technology are more reliable than ever

Satellites and GPS technology are more reliable than ever.

Satellites have been around for decades, but only recently have they become as accurate and reliable as they are today. In fact, most of our modern satellite navigation systems rely on constellations of satellites orbiting Earth at different altitudes in order to provide accurate positioning data to users across the globe–and those constellations are getting bigger every year!

GPS technology has also improved dramatically since its inception back in 1978 (the same year Star Wars was released). Today’s smartphones have access to multiple satellite signals from around the world that can pinpoint their location down within centimeters–and even better yet: they don’t require any sort of special equipment or hardware installation since everything is built right into your phone!

Edge computing can help satellites work better

Edge computing is a new way of handling data that’s closer to the source. It can help satellites work better, and it can be used in other situations as well.

Satellites are often used for communication and navigation purposes, but they aren’t always able to perform at their peak potential. That’s because of how traditional satellite systems work: They process data at central locations on Earth before sending it back down to users via radio waves or lasers (the two most common methods). This process takes time–which means that if you want your satellite phone call answered quickly, you might not get an immediate response from your satellite provider; instead, you’ll have to wait until after all those signals travel through space and back again before reaching their destination on Earth’s surface.

Edge computing is making a huge difference in the world of technology.

Edge computing is a new technology that allows satellites to be more reliable and efficient. The main advantage of edge computing is that it allows for real-time data processing, which can greatly reduce latency when using satellites.

With this technology, we will see an increase in the number of applications that use satellite data for things like weather forecasting, disaster response and military operations.


As we’ve seen, edge computing is an important part of the future of technology. It helps satellites work better and makes GPS more reliable, but it also has other applications in computers and smartphones. The demand for edge computing is growing rapidly, so if you’re looking for a new job opportunity, this might be it!