Cloud computing has been a buzzword for years now. It seems like everyone is jumping on the cloud bandwagon, but what does it mean to deploy your services through a public or private cloud? In this article, we’ll explain the different models of cloud computing deployment and their benefits.
Public Cloud
The public cloud is a service that is provided by a third party. The third party is responsible for the hardware and software, as well as security, uptime and maintenance.
The cloud provider will maintain backups of your data in case something goes wrong with the servers at their location or if you need to restore your data from an older backup version (for example if someone accidentally deletes some files).
Private Cloud
Private cloud is a cloud service that is owned, operated and managed by an individual organization. It can be used to store and process data for the organization. The private cloud is used to support the business processes of the organization.
Hybrid Cloud
Hybrid cloud is a combination of on-premises and off-premises resources. It’s the best of both worlds: you can have the flexibility and scalability of the public cloud, but with the security, control, and cost savings associated with your own data center. Hybrid cloud deployments are generally set up in two different ways:
- Cloudbursting: Using an external provider to temporarily handle increased workloads when demand spikes (e.g., during peak shopping seasons). This allows you to avoid overloading your own infrastructure while taking advantage of lower prices available at third-party providers like AWS or Google Cloud Platform.(1)
- Co-Location/Hosted Private Cloud: Combining on-premises resources with dedicated servers hosted by an external provider.(2) This model allows organizations who want their data stored locally but still need access from anywhere via remote connections such as VPNs or private networks without sacrificing performance due to network latency issues caused by long distance transmission times between locations away from each other
There are different ways to deploy cloud services.
Cloud deployment models are the ways in which you can use the cloud. You might think of it as a “where” question, but it’s actually more than that. There are different ways to deploy cloud services and each model has its own pros and cons.
The three main types of cloud deployment models are public, private, or hybrid:
- Public Cloud: This is where companies rent out space on servers from a third-party provider in order to run their applications and store data on someone else’s hardware while they pay only for what they use (i.e., pay as you go). The upside of using this type is that it’s easy to set up and get started; however, there are some security concerns since all your information could be stored offsite away from where you live or work–meaning no one would know if someone hacked into their system unless they checked with their ISP every day!
- Private Cloud: This type refers specifically to an internal network which uses virtualization technology so users can access applications remotely via the internet without having any knowledge about how those applications work behind closed doors.”
The cloud is a great way to get started with your own IT infrastructure. It’s flexible, scalable and gives you access to advanced technologies like AI and machine learning. But there are also some risks involved when it comes to security and privacy issues. To make sure that your data remains safe at all times, we recommend using a hybrid solution where one part of the system runs on-premise while another part runs offsite in the cloud – this way both worlds can benefit from each other!
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