February 8, 2025

Beverly Sopher

Internet of Things

5 Most Important Cloud Computing Terms


The cloud computing industry has grown exponentially over the last decade. The number of companies that use cloud computing solutions has increased significantly, and it’s estimated that more than half of all businesses will be using a public cloud solution by 2020. With so many companies adopting this technology, it’s important to understand the basic terminology associated with cloud computing so you can communicate effectively with IT professionals at your company or other organizations.

5 Most Important Cloud Computing Terms

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a term used to describe a new way of delivering IT services. Cloud computing allows you to access your data and applications from anywhere, anytime. The term “cloud” comes from the Internet and represents the idea that these services are available over the web, like in the sky (the clouds).

Cloud computing can be used for many different purposes, such as storing files or running applications on remote servers instead of using your own computer’s hard drive or RAM memory (random access memory). This makes it easy for businesses because they don’t have to buy extra hardware just for storage space; instead they can use someone else’s server space which is cheaper than having their own hardware setup at home or work!

You may have heard about some companies offering cloud services: Google Docs lets users create documents online rather than using Microsoft Word on their laptops; Dropbox lets people store their photos & videos online so they don’t need any special software installed locally before viewing them – great when traveling abroad where internet speeds aren’t always ideal!


Virtualization is a process that allows you to run multiple operating systems on a single computer. For example, if you want to test out Windows 10 but don’t want to install it on your laptop, you can use virtualization software like Oracle VM VirtualBox or VMware Workstation Pro (which costs $299) to create an exact replica of your laptop’s hardware environment within another operating system such as Linux.

You can also use virtualization technology for networking purposes: instead of buying dedicated switches and routers for each network segment in your office building, why not just create one big network using virtualized equipment? This will save space and money because fewer physical devices are needed; plus it makes management easier since all the devices are accessible from one console rather than having multiple consoles open up across different rooms or floors!

Virtualization technology can also be used when setting up servers–you could run several different applications on one machine without having them conflict with each other because they’re all running under separate “virtual machines” (or VMs). This means less wasted CPU cycles spent processing unnecessary tasks such as checking email inboxes every five minutes instead focusing 100 percent on doing what needs done now!

Public Cloud

The public cloud is a type of cloud computing that allows you to share resources with other users. The term “public” refers to the fact that anyone can access these resources, not just one organization or individual.

The main difference between private and public clouds is who owns them: in a private cloud, your company owns the hardware and software; in a public one (as its name suggests), it doesn’t. As such, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with both types of services–but it all depends on what kind of project you’re working on and what kind of needs arise from using them.

Private Cloud

Private cloud is a cloud infrastructure that is only accessible by an organization’s employees and partners. It allows for the automation of processes and resources, as well as increasing productivity by providing elasticity and scalability.

Private clouds are typically built by organizations for their own use, but they can also be used by service providers who sell private cloud services to multiple companies.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud is a combination of public and private cloud. Hybrid cloud can be used for disaster recovery, testing new applications, or data backup.

Hybrid clouds are becoming more popular because they offer the benefits of both types of clouds–public and private–but with less risk than a complete migration to one or the other would entail.

These are the five most important cloud computing terms.

Cloud computing is the delivery of hosted services over a network. The term was first used by a group of researchers at IBM in 2006 to describe an infrastructure model for delivering computing as a service.

Cloud typically means that the hardware and software necessary to run applications are stored on remote servers and accessed via the Internet, rather than being installed directly on individual computers or devices. This allows users to access their data from any device connected to the Internet, while also allowing vendors to sell their products without having to buy expensive hardware or take responsibility for managing it in-house. – Wikipedia


If you’re new to the world of cloud computing and want to learn more about it, these five terms are a great place to start. The more you know about this technology, the better prepared you’ll be when it comes time to make decisions about where your company’s data should go or what services are right for their needs.